
topic 164: Never Marry the Lady That Won’t Support Your Dream

Never Marry the Lady That Won’t Support Your Dream
When your woman is behind you to support your dreams, it always seems like the gods are behind you. I’m not actually referring to the literary gods, but with the support of a woman and God, you tend to achieve more than the ordinary.
You are liable not to go far with your dreams and purpose when the woman you marry is not in alignment with your dreams.

For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com
Forget about her beauty, her gorgeous
look, her sexy figure-8 body or the pleasure you derive anytime you are with her. The moment you realize your lady keep antagonizing or is completely thinking in an opposite direction anytime you make mention of your dreams or future goals, it is a sign of incompatibility that you need to address with urgency. Never allow your heart rule over your head.

As bad as it is morally, a fraudster is bound to do exploit if he had a woman in his life that supports his work. I’m not supporting fraudulence act by any means, it is only an example to portray the fact that you must never underestimate the power of a woman when it comes to achieving your life purpose.

They have this power that is divine because that is the primary reason for their existence. According to Genesis 2:18, THE LORD GOD said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him”.  Looking at the last phrase, we can interpret it simpler by saying “not just a helper, but a helper that is compatible with his purpose. They have the backing of heavens.

Ask Obama, ask Martin Luther King Jnr, ask Clinton, and they would tell you never to underestimate the power of your woman if you want to reach the peak of your purpose. A woman has the power to make or mar, to build or destroy, catalyze or slow down your dreams. It is 100% better to be single than to be married to the wrong wife. It is an experience of hell on earth. So be watchful and be careful.
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For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com.

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```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````BY: OLUKAYODE FADAIRO

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