
topic 170: Make Up Your Mind (episode 2)

Make Up Your Mind (episode 2)

To make your mind simply means to accept a choice, make peace with it especially if it is right. Without being able to make up your mind on whatever is in your heart, you will forever lack the energy to accomplish or follow up that thing; to see it come through.
The inability to make up your mind is the sole reason why many people don’t know what they want and regret previous actions or choices.

For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com.

But when a person makes up his mind on a thing, there is an unseen force or energy that helps and guides you towards that thing. This is the sole reason why goal setters and achievers are only those who have a clear picture in their minds, their minds have been made up concerning what they want and there is literally no going back.
Also, most often struggling with making up your mind leads to making poor decisions and poor choices.

My conclusive suggestion therefore holds as; somehow you ultimately will have to make up your mind on all things, therefore the faster you do it the quicker you can settle with your decision, work at it, improve it, improve it and enjoy it. it truly helps to be speedily decisive. You don’t want to use the entire time in life trying to make a choice or make up your mind on something only to realize you don’t have the time to live with it.
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For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com.

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```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````BY: ADEKANYE NELSON

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