A seed sown
will definitely yield, and the fruit will always be tantamount to the seed you
sowed. It is a normal principle of nature.
But one other thing people fail to realize about the seed we sow today
is that the seed is also a voice that
will speak for or against us tomorrow.
I just wonder how some people ignorantly
pray vehemently for blessing when they refuse to give out. I know if God were
to be contacted today, he would say just one answer, as it were recorded in the
Holy Scriptures: “how would you expect me to bless a hand that is folded when
the same hand refuses to scatter”? It is like when you ask someone to put bread
on your hand but you refuse to let go of the cookies in that same hand. If you
don’t learn and act giving, you will continue to stick to the little you have
for life. And that’s one the major factors of stagnancy in life. It is not a
curse that you can never increase, expand or enlarge. Is hope alive?
The simplest mathematics is not 2+2=4
because some people have proven 2+2=22, but the simplest one is that GIVE, AND
Which kind
of seed are you sowing into the lives of people?
Which kind
of seeds are you sowing into the lives of the less-privileges, the haves-not,
the vulnerable, the hopeless, the rejected, the devastated and the hopeless?
You need not
to underestimate the power of the seed you sow today because if the seed
doesn’t speak for you today, it will speak for your bloods and your lineage
someday in the future. So if what you know best is how to sow evil in the lives
of people, then keep doing it. If it is the otherwise, then don’t relent. One
thing is certain and is common to us all, the voice of our seed can never be
silenced or muted. It is always there to either speak and defend you or speak
against you or your generation in time of need. It is not something that can be
dodged or maneuvered. It is a fixed principle of nature that will surely come
away for you irrespective of your religion, your color, your race, your ethnic,
or whatever you may be.
I came across a
write up recently on a website; the writer wrote:
There is a saying, “It is better to give than to receive.” This might be
more self-evident if it were not so very good to receive.
Think of a few things we receive: life, family, children, work, food,
friendship and talents, to name only a few of the best. Each of these is given
to us. If we earn anything, it’s because we were first given opportunities,
abilities, understanding, and health.
So, as it turns
out, receiving is essential. We cannot give unless we have received. And we
cannot give more than we have received. After all, no gift is greater than the
very first gift we receive: the gift of life.
then can giving possibly be better than receiving?
You would see two young children in the picture
The first lesson I want you to learn from
this picture is that “a giver’s hand will always be on the top, while a
receivers hand will always be placed down, come what may” (just as we see in
the picture). That’s just a pictorial representation of the realm of giving we
cannot understand as human.
The second lesson is that the vessel of
someone that gives is always bigger and larger than that of the person that
receives. The Giver who rewards those who give secretly will never let your
basin dry off.
Lastly I leave you with this: “you cannot
sow a maize seed and expect a cocoa fruit to come out of it. Buddy, it is what
you sow today that you will reap tomorrow, and it is the voice that will either
speak for or against you and your generation in the future”.
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hope alive?
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