The fact is that there is no difference between you and the
looters. You are both selfish. Because if you truly care for the future of your
children and the generation of the unborn ones, you would not say: “AT LEAST WE
WERE EATING AND DINING IN THE Corruption era, so bring back our corruption”.
You read on the news how 2.5 billion dollars for the procurement
of armory is being shared among few Nigerians. We saw how trillions of naira
are been stolen
by some few foolish Nigerians. You read billions of naira of the Abacha Loots the Swizz bank has returned to Nigeria for the past 10 years; You heard Sarakis’, Dasukis’, among others. Yet you have the gut to shout bring back our corruption. What a crooked and selfish soul!
by some few foolish Nigerians. You read billions of naira of the Abacha Loots the Swizz bank has returned to Nigeria for the past 10 years; You heard Sarakis’, Dasukis’, among others. Yet you have the gut to shout bring back our corruption. What a crooked and selfish soul!
You are no different from the oppressors/thieves because you
only think of yourself. If you think of the future of your children and the
generation unborn, you would know vividly well that corruption is one of the
fundamental problems of Nigeria as a nation. It is of great importance that all
hands must be on deck to fight this. Yet you don’t want to make a little
sacrifice just for the future of our dear country. Our inability to unanimously
stand for something good is making us to fall for anything our government bring
at us. Have an insight about some of the core problems in Nigeria, naming
erratic power supply, lack of basic social amenities, lack of standard academic
environment, large scale of unemployment, etc. all rally round the fact that corruption is predominant in
Nigeria. Is hope Alive?
If you think deeply, and with an unbiased mind, you will
know President Buhari is not the man to bring the CHANGE we are clamouring for
in Nigeria. President Buhari is just an agent or a fore-agent of the change.
The man to bring this real change would be the man to succeed him. Or haven’t
you ever thought it this way: “what is the essence of Buhari recovering all the
stolen funds, but at the end of the day a fool from nowhere came to succeed him
and mismanage this money again. Probably we would go back again to square
It is like an old man who has a dream of building a mansion,
but he knew age is not on his side in fulfilling this dream. Whether he is or
not the one to build this mansion is less of a concern to him. All he is
passionate about is achieving this dream. On this back drop, he decided to
acquire all the building material that would be needed for the building of the
mansion. Though this old man has set the pace, achieving this dream is left to
the man that would succeed him. If the person that succeed this old man fails
to utilize these materials, the dream of achieving the old man’s dream is doomed
to fail.
Watch out for the episode 3; coming out soon.
Watch out for the episode 3; coming out soon.
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hope alive?
op u don buy fuel abi u dey post from fuel queue?
Buhari will lay the foundation of change
Nigerians needs to stand in one accord to support nd pray for him
Dis period we need to substitute all we had to some thing lesser
I remembered a teacher once told me thay before india cud attain a little step of development that they got today d citizens had to compromise they had to use all local made wear only local made eat local made
Now they have d best medical facilities nd best surgeons.
People will notice only average living family nd d rich are d ones complaining those that are used to surviving with local means hardly complain except d traders!
So pls every one shd compromise for now buhari will do something
I believe in him!
Ok, Xo op u don chop >i mean eat< dis morning? stay dere dey rant bubu no even kw ur gran_papa
I hope we don't die before then oo
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