
topic 119: The 7 Power of Hugs You Don’t Know (episode 1)

Hug deposits into the account of friendship;
Hug gives freedom;
Hug mends broken relationship;
Hug seals affection;
Hug breaks and inflict pain in your haters heart;
Hug heals;
Hug gives courage and humility;

Is your friendship on the verge of destruction? Are you losing your relationship or you have lost one already, but you are ready to bring it back to life? Are you trying to mend your partnership that is destroyed? Are you indebted to someone
or you are trying to win over your haters/enemies? Are you seeking for forgiveness or you are finding it difficult to forgive someone? Are you trying to express your feelings or trying to seal an affection? If you fall in any of the following categories, then this content is meant for you.

There is more to a hug than we know. The power of hug cannot be exhausted. It is sometime beyond our literary view and understanding. Some say love is magical, but the truth is hug is more charming. Hug is the outward and the last expression of love that only the most courageous people do, even when they are wounded beyond repair (forget about the Love-Me-I-Love-you hug).

(1) Hug deposits into the account of friendship: depositing into friendship account is not the literary bank account deposit. It means creating more reason to be indebted to. A hug passes a serious message to a friend on how much you love and regard the person. Have you ever been in this situation, when your friend sticks out his/her hand to greet you, but you went with an embracing arm? To the hug receiver, what runs in his mind is that: wow, so this guy actually likes me and he’s glad to see me? He feels loved, and he tends to reciprocate, not just love, but also respect. This love and respect are indeed what you deposit in your account in his life. On a normal circumstance, people that love you and respect you, tends to go (sometimes extremely) far for you when you need their help. The time you need help from such person in the future is when you start withdrawing from your friendship account. Unfortunately, most of us are having a red account in our friendship. Is hope alive?

For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com

(2) Hug gives freedom: Has someone offended, angered or pissed you off immensely and you are left disgusted and having a sleepless night over the issue? Or have you spoken bad at someone (probably your office colleagues, your subordinates, children or someone lesser than you in status or rank), and you feel this deep sense of guilt? A sincere hug is what I would recommend. To be frank, you get imprisoned mentally when you feel guilty about something. Freedom is not just the physical freedom; it starts right from the mind. Freedom, most times, is a psychological state of the mind being free of things that makes you worry, steal your happiness or give you a sleepless night. Garner the strength, backed up with humility, say sorry with a powerful hug. By doing that, you have completely set yourself free.   

(3) Hugs mends broken relationship: the power of a simple, meaningful and sincere hug can never be underestimated when trying to bring alive a broken relationship, or when trying to mend a relationship on the brink of destruction. It still boils down to your intrinsic courage. When you are ready to reconcile, starts with an emotional “but sincere” hug. It speaks louder and better than the words that will come out of your mouth. It shows how much you still care about the wounded relationship. Not just that a hug speaks it all, it also lay a very conducive foundational environment for everything you are about to tell the second party. It makes him or her to be more cautiously receptive to you.

Continue with the EPISODE TWO HERE

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```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````BY: OLUKAYODE FADAIRO

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