
topic 161: You are almost there, so why giving up now?

You are almost there, so why giving up now?
You have been working for so long to get the best out of your life, yet the breakthrough seems not to be near. Working towards the best in life is synonymous to gunning for the gold. You need to know that even this gold you want passed
through hell of a fire before it becomes what everybody desires. So never expect the best without passing through failure, pains, struggle, hustle and
For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com.

For every positive steps you take towards achieving your dreams, be rest assured that you are one step closer, regardless of the present result (be it failure or disappointment). Always put this in mind: “failure can be a better teacher of greater success lesson than success can”.
You don’t have to give up now. Just keep moving! On your path through difficult times, try to squeeze out all the positives you can, and your outcome will become stronger than people can ever imagine.

Your passion and dreams are God-given, so you don’t have to kill your inner desires and passion because people let you down or circumstances around fail you. People will definitely disappoint you because no man would believe in your dream as you. Some people will let you down, not because your dreams are worthless, but because they are scared of you doing better than them. Others will let you down because they, themselves, don’t have the capacity to bear the magnitude and strength of your dreams. 

Finally, I remind you: “winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win. Never back down without a fight because the world you see will never give you what you deserve unless you place a demand.
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For Counsel, for testimony, contact us via WhatsApp on +2347066352274 or mail us on ishopealive@gmail.com.

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```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````BY: OLUKAYODE FADAIRO

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