On this final day, I realized the
questions that sprang up in my mind were the toughest question I would ever
answer in the school environment.
I didn’t realize those questions would be
tougher than MTH 101 and PSG 587 exams. They are questions that brought tears
to my eyes when I looked back to gauge my life and how far I had gone.
I thought
the questions were over until
some rhetorical questions sprang up again.
Questions like: “have you ever thought of the fact that one day you would also
leave this world like you are leaving your school now? Have you ever thought
that you would look back and ask yourselves again many of these questions you
couldn’t answer today (and by that time, it would not be based on how you used
your 5 years, but how you spent your entire years on earth)”. Is hope alive?
And when
death closes your eyelid tomorrow, what would be your joy when you look back on
your way to heaven? What would be your own answer when you look back and saw
how you maltreated the poor, how you misused the power and the authority given
to you, how you gathered greedily everything only to yourself and your family,
how you buried your God-given talents and gifts, how you used your wealth, how you
impacted lives around you negatively, how you used the words of your mouth to
bring down your neighbor. How you gossiped out the success of another fellow,
how you debarred the progress of your neighbor.
Do you know
life is the most fragile thing on earth? The fact that you sleep and wake up
the following morning is nothing but a grace. Your waking up is not determined
by how rich you are or how intelligent you are. It is something that is beyond
human comprehension. The fact that you don’t know where you may land when you
wake up tomorrow should always remind you of the reasons why you should always
make life simple for yourself and the people around you.
People may
forget the punch you gave them; they may forget the money you gave them; they
may forget the words you told them, but can they ever forget how you made them
feel? Even if everything is forgotten about you, your impact (positive or
negative) can never be forgotten.
As I wrote in one of my previous article (NO FOREVER; NOTHING
“I saw how famous and wealthy the
great Michael Jackson was; I saw how powerful Osama Bin laden was; I saw how
strong Saddam Hussein was; I read how great Alexander The Great was; I saw how
genius Steve Job was; I saw how popular Whitney Houston and her daughter, Kristina, were (to mention a few). I read and
I saw, and I ask myself what is the meaning of life if nothing last forever?” Is hope alive?
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