It is a pity
that those who understand the true meaning of life are very few. Even some of the few
that do, get lost and confused along the way because they couldn’t balance or
connect the dots of their present knowledge of life to their future.
Permit me to
share with you the story of a man that understand the real meaning of life.
“On His First Day In office, as
President of United States of America, Abraham Lincoln entered To Give His
Inaugural Address. One Man Stood Up, He Was A Rich Aristocrat. He Said;
"Mr. Lincoln, You Should Not
Forget That Your Father Used to make Shoes for My Family"....And the Whole
Senate Laughed. They Thought They Had Made
a Fool of Lincoln... But Certain
People Are Made Of A Totally Different Kettle.
Lincoln Looked At the Man Directly
In the Eyes and Said
"Sir, I Know That My father used
To Make Shoes for Your Family, And There Will Be Many Others Here, Because He
made Shoes the Way Nobody Else Can. He Was A Creator. His Shoes Were Not Just
Shoes He Poured His Whole Soul Into Them. I Want To Ask You, Have You Any
Complaint?? Because I Know How To Make Shoes Myself. If You Have Any Complaint
I Can Make You Another Pair Of Shoes. But As Far As I Know, Nobody Has Ever
Complained About My Father's Shoes. He Was A Genius, A Great Creator And I Am
Proud Of My Father".
The Whole Senate Was Struck Dumb. They
Could Not Understand What Kind Of Man Abraham Lincoln Was”.
You know the
reason why they couldn’t understand him? It was because he understood the real
definition of life. He refused to be oppressed by oppressors. He refused to be
mocked by mockers. When you do, every of your reaction or response to human’s
action against you is always amazing and shocking to them. Ultimately, they are
embarrassed and forced to be speechless.
Those who
know the true meaning of life find it so easy to make life simple/less
complicated for their selves and the people around because they know life
doesn’t worth taking hard. Those who understand life don’t brag about what they
have or who they are; they are so down to earth. Humility is their accomplice.
Those who understand life don’t enter unnecessary competition with people
because they know life doesn’t call for that. They only compete with their
selves and their past best; they strive to beat their last success. They are
champions; they are always ready to face another round of the battle.
Those who
understand life find it easy to enjoy the success of others because they know
the sky is big enough for everyone to shine. They are the ones that believe they
have no limitation in what they can achieve or attain in life. They are the
ones that make out abilities from their disabilities. They are the ones that
take out positivity from every difficulties and every challenges in each facet
of their life.
They are the ones that refuse to be offended when they are
corrected. They are the ones that refused to be embarrassed when they make
mistakes because they accept it as a lesson. They are the ones that know verily
that no forever, nothing last forever in life. They are the ones that would
never get subdued by the power of influence and affluence. Some people
mistakenly call them “stupid” because their response towards human actions
seems absurd. Hmm, is hope alive?
The most
simple and fragile thing of life is life itself. What you should fear most in
life is life itself and The Giver of this life. The fact that you should fear
life doesn’t mean you should fear losing your life. The best thing you can use
to gauge someone who understands the true meaning of life is his/her ability
not to fear death. Life is so fragile
that a small blade can take life in less than five minutes. This means “all”
what you have lived for, labored for, gathered for years, etc. is no more
useful for you in less than four minutes. The life is so fragile that a simple
slump or a simple blow to the brain can terminate the life.
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hope alive?
true ooo
You are on point
Good one
We don't have the likes of Lincoln in Nigeria, we only have a negative Change Agent
*dumb struck
Thank you...good read.
this is inspirational, be the best of what you do, and be proud of your talent
Oh Op, I'm touched. If not that men should be emotionally strong....
We promise to keep giving you the best
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